
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord (武天) Bo Tien. The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affliliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Be resurrected to eternal peace

Learning Point No 393

The cause of birth and death is because of attachment. It is the craving for satisfaction that is often so elusive. 

Whatever we want seem to create more wants. There is the craving or attachment which drives one to want more and more and to die and to live again, only to die once more. 

This goes on and on from moment to moment with each moment dying and giving birth to the next. At more helicopter level, there is birth, and birth will result in death as that which is born must die. 

If so, then, if there is no birth, there will be no death. If there is no want, there will be none of the many wants in life. 

But is there life beyond birth and death and beyond wants or craving. If we can live with wants and be restless and in dis-ease, surely we must be able to live without wants. 

If there is no wants, we do not create more wants. We do not die so as to live again. Wants or craving is the problem. Some religion call it the original sin or problem. It is central to the Adam and Eve mythology. 

We will be at peace if we cease to want. Ceasing to want does not mean not living or dying. Instead it is to be at peace and be more alive than mere living in wants. 

We will be at peace while in the sea of life, the wants and the ups and downs. We do not contribute to more wants or craving but we live without wanting or craving in life of wants and craving. 

When we cease wanting, we live more and have more peace or life. Ceasing to want does not mean dying to life but rather having more life. 

Wants or attachment cause suffering with death as the ultimate. Deliverance from wants or attachment free us from suffering and death. We will be resurrected to more life. 

Sages of old in China refer to polarities of life or life contingencies as yin and yang (e.g. gain loss, honor dishonor.). 

Life is construed as wanting incessantly due to imbalance of yin and yang, with one causing more of the other and this goes on continuously. 

They construed that we can stand still in life and be more alive if we can be atop the yin and yang and not go round and round with the yin and yang. We should not create more yin and yang by being atop yin and yang, not contribute more and be carried around by yin and yang. 

We stop wanting and live more. We are resurrected to more life - eternal life of peace free from wants because we are atop yin and yang. 

The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is perhaps an apt, ingenious and pragmatic albeit simplistic way by sages of Old Testament era of presenting yin and yang concept via personification of yin and yang concept. It is at very least a parallel of yin and yang concept. 

Cessation of wanting or sin means no death. In place, there is resurrection to eternal life as seen with saints like Buddha, Jesus and Lao Sze. 

Yin and yang means more wants or sins and the problem of wants or sin is more deaths through rebirths. Being atop yin and yang means no death but eternal life beyond rebirths. 

Do be resurrected and live more by not wanting, by not perpetuating 'want' which is the sin started by Adam and Eve in Genesis. 

The Adam and Eve saga is good depiction of the concept of yin and yang problem of wants in men and why men must be atop yin and yang through Tao or Way. 

Tao is the way to have more life by neither running from yin and yang nor going for more of yin and yang but just being atop yin and yang and be at peace. 

This is the way to be delivered from wants or sin and have eternal life of peace which saints talk about. This is salvation of the soul.

Do be resurrected to eternal peace and not continue to be so damned in seemingly endless births and deaths. 

This is the way to save souls and deliver them to eternal peace. This can be reached by all through any religion or sect or even if none. It is inherent in the teachings of all saints and not new. 

Lord Bo Tien is merely a messenger of God to rekindle and reinvigorate the understanding of the Way. Call it Tao or what we like. It does not matter at all. 

It does not matter even if we think Lord Bo Tien does not exist. But he who knows the doctrine or way knows and sees him for real. 

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